Friday, August 22, 2014

Careful Obama, Your Snarling Disgust of Jews and Israel is Showing - "the Early [Jews] Zionists"

By Elizabeth Nelson

I had to watched the New York times interview with Obama twice; I didn't just hear Obama call the early Jews in Israel "Zionists," did I? Oh, my word, not only did he say it, he then says they "scratch" out their country like animals, and they are on their own, in their war on terror, unlike when we waged our war.  

So, Obama let's his feelings be known, yet again.  He truly feels that the evil American empire and the rich, "didn't build that," but the "Zionists scratched their incredibly vibrant ... incredibly successful and wealthy and powerful country out of rock," like rats and dogs.  "Science only goes so far, then there's God." Mr. Obama.

This is Just another glaring example of Obama's foot-in-mouth disease and his need for a teleprompter, so that he won't allow his true feelings, which are obviously worn on his sleeve, to be blurted out like vomit after a night of binge drinking.  

The question was a good one, his answer a pitiful one:

"Mr. President are you worried about Israel today are you worried about their long-term survivability? I've been there the last months, the last week watching the war. What does it feel like to you?"

The Answer transcribed:

"It is amazing to see what Israel has become over the last several decades.  I mean when you think about the dream of the early Zionists, to have scratched out of rock this incredibly vibrant, incredibly successful and wealthy and powerful country ... it's a testament to the Jewish people ...and because Israel is so capable Militarily, I don't worry about Israel's survival.

Others can cause Israel pain, it is a really bad neighborhood and they can inflict casualties and destruction in parts of Israel, but Israel is going to survive. That's not the issue, I think the question really is, how is Israel going to survive."

Sadly, his answer exposed another sad fact, Israel is on its own, to fight its own battle against terror. "...and because Israel is so capable Militarily, I don't worry about Israel's survival."

This, America, will not bode well for us, as the rest of the world watches us turn our back on our Ally.  When ISIS comes to call on us, to make good on their threat to "drown us in blood," and they will, we will need our allies help, and thanks to Obama supporting our allies, what do you think their reaction will be?

"Oh, because America is so capable militarily, we don't worry about America's survival.  ISIS can inflict casualties and destruction, but America will survive, the real question is how will America survive; heck Obama isn't even there, he's on vacation."


  1. If ISIS can occupy and control a large portion of Iraq, it's not a stretch of the imagination to believe that they can simply march through the southern portion of Syria to attack Israel. Hezbollah would be right there with them to destroy Israel. A continuing and escalating air war against ISIS is necessary to forestall any plans they have for increasing their physical presence in the region and to hold them at bay until a coalition of nations can be brought together to destroy them in a comprehensive ground and air war.

  2. I agree, but remember, al Qaeda has been decimated, Bin Laden is dead and the "War on Terror" is Over, so America is safe under Obama's leadership. ROFL
    How long do you think it will take before the light comes on and everyone, including the liberal idiots that voted for Obama, realizes that we're about to go to war in Syria, not just in Iraq, and fight the "Jayvee" Army before they bring the fight to our land? They can't just be "resisted," they need to be annihilated.
