Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dan Joseph Explains Iraq & ISIS - so Simple a Liberal could Understand it

By Elizabeth Nelson

"It is a great time to be in America, healthcare costs are going down, the border has never been more secure and the war in Iraq is finally Over," Dan Joseph is back to break down Iraq and ISIS, because he enjoys explaining things in the simplest way possible, and usually in the most hysterical light. 

 Why the simplest way, you ask? Have you ever seen his current events videos, he needs to keep it simple, stupid. This video, even though it has some serious facts in it, also has some pretty funny moments that will make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm one moment and laugh the next.

"in 2003 we toppled Saddam"

"Saddam was a Sunni Muslim who oppressed the Shitte Muslims in horribly brutal  ways"

"We ousted Hussein in 2 weeks, but then allowed the new Iraq Government  We allowed the Shiite majority to run roughshod over the Sunni minority who oppressed them."

"In 2006 Nouri al-Maliki became the Countries PM, with US support, unfortunately he turned out to be incredibly corrupt and took dictatorial control over the government, because that's what  middle eastern leaders do, and started oppressing Sunni population even more than before.  Now in reaction, the Sunni's, who are the majority over all, flipped out and militants came in from all over the region to oust the government and the American infidels.

"The Sunnis and the Shiites basically believe in all of the same fundamental tenants of Islam.  The reason they keep trying to kill each other is that they disagree on who is the proper success of Mohammed 1,500 years ago."

"One of the groups that came in to fight the new Iraqi Government was a spinoff of Al-Qaeda, ISIS...the stated goal is to bring all of the Muslim inhabited regions of the world under their control. Places like; Jordan, Israel Palestine, Turkey and Lebanon." 

"ISIS wants to kill or convert all Shiite Muslims and kill all Christians they find. They behead people with hunting knives, they bury children alive, they crucify people, they are  some of the most evil, insane terrorist this world has ever seen."

"ISIS along with other extremist Sunni groups were largely pushed out of Iraq during the surge and a lot of them ended up in Syria where they joined the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad."

"ISIS kills anyone who won't join them, they are so extreme they would probably use Hamas as human shields if they could."

Then the US leaves Iraq, everybody out. Obama didn't make any serious effort at a Status of Forces agreement.  He was more concerned with setting his Obamacare website and babysitting Honduran children."

"ISIS storms back into Iraq, the Salvation army would have a better chance at defending Iraq"

"The Kurds are braver then the Iraqi government, so now we are arming them" what could go wrong?

"Obama has publically told ISIS that 'there is no American Military Solution to the larger crisis in Iraq." wait he told them that? Shouldn't we at least make the terrorists think all options are on the table? You're right, they'd never believe him."

"He also said, 'Resolution to the conflict in Iraq can only come through a political agreement, not a military one."

Because Obama's negotiating skills have worked so well in Syria and for Ukraine and Israel, right?

"Oh, has ISIS heard that he said that? Now that Sherriff Obama has laid it out clearly for them, maybe now that stop winning their crazy religious war and sit down to chat:

"You know what Mohammed that makes sense to my reasonable and rational brain, let us sit down and make a political agreement, right after we're done crucifying this baby."

"John Kerry could mediate, that could help."

"I know there is plenty of blame to go around, but someone said something that made a lot of sense, 'you know when you're down and out and when you're hunkering down and pulling back, you're not going to make any better decisions than when you were aggressively, belligerently putting yourself forward.'"

So easy a liberal caveman could understand it. What slays me is, Hollyweird and the media are silent in their opposition to Obama's bombing of Iraq, unlike when Bush did the same. But they were silent when Clinton bombed Iraq too, so what do we expect, there is one set of rules for Demonrats and another for Republicans.

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