Monday, December 15, 2014

NY Police Respond to Mayor Bill de Blasio's Apathetic Support in the War-on-Cops

By Elizabeth Nelson

Is it any wonder that the NY Police and their Union are now up in arms and are now the ones crying "don't shoot" when it comes to their Mayor Bill de Blasio? Of all the people they would expect to support them, he's the one allowing them to twist in the wind the most, even after Al Sharpton's shameless NY to DC protest, "What do we want - DEAD COPS. When do we want it, RIGHT NOW."

Here we have Al Sharpton, sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong, even when others admit that Garner died "of an apparent heart attack."

Oh wait, you mean Garner didn't die from "asphyxiation" from a non-choke-hold?  Yeah, a choke-hold would have left him unconscious in minutes, from a LACK of oxygen and we would never have heard, "I can't breathe," because he would have been gasping for the air he wouldn't have been getting.  

Basically, this overweight, asthmatic, unhealthy law-breaker really should have decided to acquiesce to the request of the law-enforcement officers that were standing in front of him, but he CHOSE not to, because he, like all habitual criminals, understood that already had 30 arrests in 34 years under his belt.

Now racist-pot-stirring Sharpton has created a War-on-Cops; yes, I said it, a War-on-Cops. These liberal idiots aren't just siding with criminals these weak-minded, weak-willed-idiots are chanting for the immediate "death of cops," from NY to DC, and this is going to solve what?

The only thing this has done is, now de Blasio isn't welcome at any of the Police Union funerals and I can't say that I blame them. Would you want this criminal-sympathizing-rat at your funeral? 

New York's police union is showing its displeasure with Mayor Bill de Blasio and the head of the city council by starting a campaign to keep the two politicians away from funerals of fallen officers.

What slays me is, just because you don't like the law of the city, that your officials have in place, doesn't mean you have the meritorious right to ignore them and the cops the right enforcing or bend them.  de Blasio just signed the "25 mph NY speed limit," does that mean that the cops aren't supposed to enforce that law, when they see someone trying to drive 35 mph down the street?  

My foot seems to feel comfortable driving at around 80 mph, so I don't like driving 65 mph. So does this mean that get try to outrun the cops when I see lights behind me? What about my gorgeous convertible? Do I get to throw my Taco Bell trash out the window and out on to the freeway - even though there's a $500 littering fee - because I don't feel like stinking it up?  So what right do criminal thugs have to ignore the laws they don't like if we have to abide by the law and they don't have to?

Ironically, the videographer of the Garner arrest didn't "resist arrest" and is behind bars on a weapons charge.  Karma, it's a fickle bitch. 

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