Saturday, February 14, 2015

Obama Nails the Coffin shut for Future GOP Presidential Elections – Loophole for Illegal Immigrants Voting

By Elizabeth Nelson

Does anyone else think that Emperor Obama looks for all of the things he can’t legally do, and sets out to do exactly that; just to prove all of us Conservative “wing-bats” right?  Remember when us Right-Wing-Nuts were screaming, “this Amnesty is going to grant  illegal’s the right to US benefits, and the  right to vote in the next Democratic President, and all the libtards were calling us "crazy"? Guess what, thanks to Obama’s pen and phone, he’s just proven us wing-nuts right yet again.  It SUCKS being right.

So, Obama is illegally issuing Social Security cards and drivers licenses to these Illegals, and what do you ask, is going to keep them from registering to vote? Oh, because it’s against the law? They broke the law to come into this country, what makes us think they’ll abide by our laws now?  Don’t tell me that Obama didn’t do this with the sole purpose of having them do just that and registering to vote Demonrat in upcoming elections.  

We all know that the Democrats have been digging up dead people and busing in illegals to vote without Obama issuing them Unconstitutional Social Security numbers. Hell, Obama has an illegally obtained CT Social Security numberso this is right up his alley.  

However, this is just another unConstitutional slap to every American’s face. Remember, Obama had also promised that he wasn’t going to be giving them Citizenship benefits, and gullible lemmings that they are ate that lie up like all the rest. Can we say, paid Democrat votes? 

They will be eligible to collect Social Security and Medicare benefits as well as claim a special tax break for low-income families,” the Congressional Budget Office said in an analysis Thursday. Read more  Washington Times

Not to mention "paid back refund taxes." Yeah, they'll get to suck up more from this Country, in earned income credits, for every child that they snuck across the border illegally and every "child they claim to have".  I'm amazed we aren't rewarding Criminals for breaking the law when they liberated the rich people from their possessions, when they robbed them. "We were just showing them what the poor and middle class feel like with only two tvs, not four, show mercy." This is liberal mentality, isn't it? "I'm not a drug dealer, I'm an undocumented pharmacist."   "I'm not a prostitute, I'm an undocumented sex therapist."

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