Friday, February 6, 2015

Our feckless Leader's True Colors, on Display at the National Prayer Breakfast

Friends for those of you who may be new to Conservative Carousel or maybe not have read any of my posts, I am a devout Christian Conservative.  There are times when I am active on social media, Twitter in particular, when some of my tweets garner the attention of Liberals and Atheists that attack me and my belief system.  I have thick skin and at times find it humorous when they engage. 

However, when they combat me and say that I am not a good Christian or that wasn't very "Christian-like" because I speak my mind, I simply respond with the fact that I am not perfect just forgiven!  So I will begin this post by saying I love this country and despise what this President is doing to it! 

In fact I will no longer refer to the President as such or Mr. Obama, or President Obama.  He will be simply Obama!  He deserves NO respect any longer!  He has disrespected the office he holds.  He has disrespected our Military, Christians, Jews, our Allies, Conservatives,
Republicans and more importantly his constituency.

Thursday, at the National Prayer Breakfast, clearly a forum that any GREAT leader would have used to unite the multitude of theologies, Obama chose to divide our Country yet again.  Calling out Christians during the Crusades!   

Someone needs to let Obama know the Crusades occurred  over 700 years ago!  OBAMA goes on to say that Christians committed atrocities in the name of Jesus Christ!  I can no longer take this hypocrisy perpetuated by this OBAMA. 

The Christians during the Crusades, recaptured Jerusalem from who?  The Muslims OBAMA!  Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist church in Dallas said it best, "They (Muslims) cannot cite a single verse in the New Testament that calls for violence against unbelievers.  On the other hand, Radical Islamists can point to a number of verses in the Koran calling for Muslims to 'crucify the infidels.'"  This OBAMA cannot even call them "radical Islamists", "terroristic jihadists", "radical Muslims" or whatever sewage you want to refer to them as! 


This OBAMA went on to further divide this country by saying that Jim Crowe and slavery all too often was justified in the name of Jesus Christ! History lesson for you OBAMA, slavery was supported by YOUR party, NOT the Republicans. This OBAMA is at least one thing, he is consistent in his Ideology and will not change until he tries to dismantle the very freedom and liberty and Judeo-Christian values this country was founded on!

When a person is caged and burned alive by these evil Islamo-Nazis and this OBAMA calls them an "organization", we as a country are in trouble.  This OBAMA is no longer classified as a "useful idiot", but a dangerous tyrannical emperor that is being laughed at upon the world stage!  The King of Jordan has done more in the last 48 hours than this Obama has in 6 years! 

He is not my President, he does not represent me, he is a dangerous ideological Monarch that cares not of this country but puts first the nation of Islam in everything that he does, and where has his denial of the radical Islamo-Naziism got him, or this country? 

He has weakened this nation and has endangered millions of Americans in the process!  He is loathsome feckless, weak and dangerous!  I have not sugar coated this post because I have had enough of what this OBAMA is doing to this great Nation.  I am a Conservative Christian, never said I was perfect, just forgiven!  

May God bless all of you who read this, and this great country,  we need him now more than ever!

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