Monday, August 25, 2014

Gohmert: "Terrorist [ISIS] could Come into the US from our Texas Border"

By Elizabeth Nelson
It is a wonderful time to be in America, we have never been more safe under Obama's observant leadership, healthcare costs are going down, the war on terror is and the war on terror and the war in Iraq is finally over and our border has never been more secure. Welcome to the Liberal mindset, what what our MSM is pushing for our Empiric leader. 

So won't everyone be shocked when Gohmert's warning comes to fruition? 

On the phone Henry Cueller (D-TX): (Anyone wonder why he doesn't agree that ISIS won't come from his "secure" border?)

"The FBI director previously said...that there were people from terrorist countries who were assuming Hispanic names, and learning a few words of Spanish, and coming in,"
"The FBI director himself testified to that before Congress. So we know that this kind of thing has been going on--Governor Perry isn't saying anything that's new, it just takes a little while for the mainstream to catch up."

Congressman Cueller: "Is this a possibility? Of course, there's always a possibility," 
"We have to be ready. Right now there's no indication, but we have to be ready for anything."

The congressman did add that more recently, Marine General John Kelly, the Commander of South Command, testified before the House and Senate this year "that the penetration of our Southern border by criminal cartels, as well as terrorist organizations, poses, in his words, "an 'existential threat the United States."  

We have to love Democrats that speak out of both sides of their mouth.
However, Congressman Cueller, is just another delusional Democrat trying to protect his own butt, in Texas, while pushing Obama's, "the borders are safe and secure" agenda. 
Even according to the USTBC report, after collecting data for a year, under the U.S. Terrorism Border Crossing Dataset, and  tried to warn the White House, that 29 different terrorist countries of origin attempted to enter the US at 22 different ports of entry and 87% of them were successful.

So, I know his warning won't come as any shock to the rest of us, especially when we already know that the MS 13 gang, a hyper-violent el Salvadorian gang-the reason why the people from El-Salvador were looking for asylum here, trying to escape the violence there-managed to make their way over the border and made their way into our Country and are now in Texas. is in Texas.  
We all need to take this warning seriously, as ISIS has already put us on warning, that they are coming for us, and we already know we have sympathizer nuts in this country without ISIS walking effortlessly across our porous borders. Congratulations, Obama, you have not only left the door open for another 9/11 attack, but the windows and a welcome mat too.


  1. I was just talking about ISIS crossing the border into Texas yesterday. My stepdaughter lives downtown Houston. Scary . . .

  2. yeah, it's pretty scary...the report has 25% of the crossings coming over in NY too, something I hadn't even thought of, rather ironic when we consider that is where this all began.
