Wednesday, February 18, 2015

President's Day Came and Went with No Real President to Observe 21 Christian Souls Lost to ISIS

By Robert Catanese

On Presidents day, I found myself reflecting on some of the great Presidents in history.  Washington, Lincoln, Reagan.  Men who not only had a legacy but made history.  In the light of these great men, Obama is not one of them, in fact he is nothing more than a petulant, divisive, dangerous ideologue that endangers Americans in the wake of Radical Islamic extremists.

Emperor Obama cannot and will not call these barbarians what they are!  21 Christian souls where brutally beheaded in a rancid propaganda video sent out through the world and the White House calls them "civilians"!  This Obama sends out his little minion, Josh Earnest to deflect and avoid this atrocity, while this Obama heads to the links! Read more tpnn

This buffoon, Obama, takes time out of his schedule to shoot a Buzz feed video and all the liberal airheads applaud his ability to "relate" to the younger generation!

And speaking of this younger generation that are so susceptible to liberal ideology.  A school in Yulee Florida, has insulted 2 atheist students by saying "God Bless America" during the morning announcements, and what do you know the school caveats these cretins and have since deleted the phrase!  Read more

I am sick and disgusted in what my country is morphing into, and it starts at the top!  Keep it up Obama, all these lemmings that voted for you will fade once their government check stop coming in!  This Obama absolutely amazes me almost to the point of disgust with his blatant disregard for the  Constitution, patriotism and his consistent loyalty to Muslims and NO other religion!

The middle east is in utter chaos, and his community organizer is tweeting his agenda and still trying to force feed his putrid job killing, economy killing legislation! Read more

I will no longer be politically correct when it comes to this Obama, I cannot. I would be doing every single one of you reading this a disservice! 

It is time we start calling Obama out and seeing him for what he really is.  I struggle every single time he opens his mouth to really see how this person loves this country, and furthermore what has he done to protect the United States? 

He advances his agenda like a bush league rookie politician, and at the same time weakens America's prowess in the world stage!  I used to say, we only have 2 more years, now I pray to God we make it thru 2 more years....

Stay in faith friends, be proud Americans, even though we have a coward as a president!  Peace....


  1. 0bama has left Peanuthead Jimmy Carter in the dust as Worst President of the United States. At least peanuthead didn't bow down to Muslims.

  2. He's even made Nixon look like a saint. Have to wonder if Nixon were alive, if he'd look Obama and say, "Dang, I wish I could have gotten way with that. THAT never even crossed my mind." We know Clinton is saying it daily. lol

  3. Nixon is rolling in his grave, sickened with 0bama's actions. What Nixon did was puny and for selfish reasons only, while 0bama is intent on destroying America. Nixon at least had a sense of patriotism and dignity compared to 0.

  4. Isn't that the truth. Even Carter never intended to set out to destroy the Country.
