Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Surprise, Surprise, Al Sharpton's "Favorability" Rating Plunges to All-Time LOW!

Apparently some New Yorkers have finally begun to see through Al Sharpton's race baiting self promotion.  This begs the question of why it has taken so long to see Sharpton's despicable behavior replayed ad nauseam over the years and decades, which, in some instances, resulted in the deaths of a number of innocent individuals.  Be that as it may, here's the latest view of New Yorkers on Al Sharpton in relation to the race related and anti police activities that have occurred in recent months in New York City.

In what Quinnipiac says is “his lowest score ever” for their polling, Sharpton was viewed negatively by a majority of New Yorkers, scoring a dismal 29/53% favorability rating, with a majority deeming him a “mostly negative force in the city” by his worst percentage yet: Read more of the conflicted political views of New Yorkers in the latest Quinnipiac polling

Sharpton simply cannot be characterized as anything but a low life hate monger and race baiter all to generate personal gain, often through corrupt "shakedown" practices with targeted businesses willing to pay for "racial peace" from Sharpton's community activist organization, the National Action Network. 

The implication is that racial peace can be achieved by Sharpton, if targeted businesses simply contribute to his organization, along with other programs along the lines of racial sensitivity training by businesses with connections to Sharpton.  Most people would call this extortion and I, for one, would be hard pressed to deny such possibilities.

The greater problem is that liberal government actually uses Sharpton and his ilk to further the liberal agenda.  Social strife and friction works to the advantage of liberals who then see the means to gain Democratic voters by playing the race card and claiming it's the Democratic Party that has the backs of minorities.  Unfortunately for minorities, they have been duped by liberals into believing this nonsense for decades.  

Meanwhile, the black community in particular, has not moved forward as a group because they have accepted the political crumbs handed out by the white liberal political elitists establishments in all of America's major inner cities.

Again, the national black community has bought into a belief that it is the liberal Democrats that have their back, when, in reality, a large number of blacks in inner cities are living in poverty or near poverty conditions due to liberals giving them all kinds of social welfare benefits, which tend to sap people of their will to work and succeed on their own.  It's these blacks that don't realize that they have become indentured servants of the Democratic Party and its liberal hierarchy.

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