Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-ill) "Get Ready, Obama going to grant Amnesty for 4-5 Million Illegals via Executive Order."

By Elizabeth Nelson
So now we have Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez being told that our Empiric leader has decided to take it upon himself to soon break the law, yet again, and do whatever it takes at the end of a pen, and sadly the progressives in this country want him to do it: and will be giving amnesty to approximately five million men, women and children that are here in the United States. Now this Democratic rep is dancing around like a drunk troll singing, "everyone get ready, King Obama is going to grant Amnesty to 4-5 million illegal aliens."  

Of course, Obama wants to do this before the November elections so he can call out the evil Republicans and conservatives in America for being bigoted and anti-Hispanic for wanting our government to follow the law–the truth of what conservatives feel be damned.  Oh, please, really he just wants the extra Demonrat votes.

Gutiérrez  has been pushing for a "go around" of congress for months, because he's also been bragging about how "amnesty could bring 4-5 million new Democrat votes," and put the, "viability of the GOP in jeopardy." 

I'm less concerned about the GOP viability than the safety of whatever community the MS13 gang moves into, whatever terrorist groups, or the contagiously diseased individual, that decided to sneak across our border, but this occupying White House thug could care less about that, right?

What happened to our Constitution and a President that actually upheld it, not shredded it and did his own thing, defied Congress and dared them to impeach him?  It's almost like he wants civil unrest, just so he has a reason to enact that Martial Law executive order he signed.

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